
blogiversary, part 2

The blogiversary is also a time to introduce you to the readers began walking with us this year (you can see their photo or icon on the right). It's always fun to introduce friends to friends, I think. They share at least one thing in common (you), and possibly share other things that are special. So, think of it as meeting new friends. And, if you want to join in the adventure together, please click "Join this site"!

Garrett - Garrett was a student at Ravencrest when Erik and I first moved there. I will never forget Garrett's ability to add three packs of hot chocolate mix into one mug of hot water and chug it. Ahh,  life amongst 18 year olds! Garrett, if you have a blog, please let me know, and I will add the link here.

Mark and Tamara- Erik and I met this gentle couple and their four little lovelies at our church in town. I always appreciated Mark's warm smile and kind questions and Tamara always impressed me with her creative style and the art of home making. Mark and Tamara, if I have your permission, I'll reference your blog here! (Update: they said YES! Stop by their blog, Songbird's Nest here!)

Gaye - Gaye goes back almost to the beginning of my memories of growing up in the South Carolina Lowcountry. She had an exquisite little girl, followed by another cherub-like one, and eventually had a charming little boy... all of whom are grown up now. Gaye's smile and gentle nature remind me of one of her favorite things: gardens. Gaye, if you have a blog, I would love to reference it here!

Jane - Jane's kind comments on our blog nearly convinced me that she is a friend of my mom's... but I just don't have a memory of ever having personally met her! Surprisingly, when I emailed Jane to ask permission to use her blog, I found out she indeed IS a friend of my mom's and aunt's. Jane wrote the following in an email to me : Your Camille and each of your precious children so remind of my very best friend, Mina Jo (Sarah' aunt). When we lost her following our 9th grade year in school it was a very difficult time in this young teenager's life.  Seeing all of these adorable "Millsap" children and the adventure, spirit, beauty and wonder that has survived generations has eased an old lingering hurt of mine, and brought me peace. Jane, thank you for sharing these heartfelt words. Jane and her husband are touring, and staying in touch through her blog, Iron Horses.

Erin - Erin entered into my life around the same time as Gaye, only Erin was a beautiful little girl then... like someone you would read about in an Irish novel. That was years ago, and she's grown up now. Erin, I wasn't able to contact you, but I would love to include your blog here. Let me know!

Jena- friends meeting friends, case in point! Erik and I met a student from Oregon called Isaac at Ravencrest Chalet. Isaac shared his blog with us. I met Jena through his blog and I'm so glad for it! She's got a great heart, a creative spirit, and four beautiful kids. Now if only we lived closer! In the meantime, I'm visiting them at Kemnitz Peanuts!

Christy- ahh, Christy, what a lass! This girl is a walking novel. Full of adventure, personality, mischief and mirth. After her time as a student at Ravencrest, Christy came on staff and worked with Erik in the office. If you're feeling "novel-ly", you've got to meet Christy. Check her out on her blog, Captivating Light.

Cyriac- the little elephant in his icon is no joke! Cyriac and his family are serving in India. Although I've never met Cyriac personally, he is friends with Erik's parents, but always sends encouraging (and funny) emails our way. The latest one that made me laugh was when he connected our children's names to the tune of "Mary had a Little Lamb". (Catherine, Mimi, Jack and Jude, Jack and Jude...)

Sjoerd - Sjoerd is another Torchbearer connection. From the Netherlands, Sjoerd is now studying at university, and in his spare time enjoys hitch-hiking as a game amongst friends and draws cars that make Jack drool. News flash: Sjoerd is considering starting his own blog, which I for one am looking forward to following. I will post the link here! (Update: he did it! Find Sjoerd's blog Treasure in an Earthen Vessel here!)

Abbie- this gal was a student our first year at Ravencrest and a friend of Christy's (above). We were delighted when she showed up again on campus for a visit! Abbie, send us your blog link if you have one and I'll post it here!

Isabel - I haven't met Isabel yet, but would be happy to get to know you! You could click "comments" and tell us a little about yourself!

Cheryl - Cheryl and Luke met in Mongolia and are now serving together with their little darling daughter at the Torchbearer center in Sweden called HolsbyBrunn! I get to catch up with Cheryl when she comes to visit her in-laws up here at Ravencrest.

Alisa- Alisa is a friend of mine from university days. She was one of those girls that had amazing hair, and yet could roll through the dust under cars on campus to dodge being spotted during a game of Capture the Flag. Alisa, let me know if you have a blog I will post it here.

Kelley- I met Kelley during my highschool days in the south. She was always reading... no surprise that she's a children's librarian, only now she's living in a new south... South Korea! Kelley says she's been experiencing technical difficulties with her blog, but hopes to update soon...when she does, you can check out this librarian here!

Kelly- Kelly was actually my cool older brother's friend in school... and so naturally I thought anybody Jeremy was friends with must be pretty cool herself. She was and still is. Now a mother living with her family in the Middle East, Kelly can be found by visiting her At Home in the Desert.

Oh, and don't forget you can get acquainted with all the others from last year's posts: here and here.

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