
Campus Life

The students have returned from their spring break, and the campus is full of life again!

Spotted: Graeme, returning from Canada with a Canadian goodie bag for us (Tim Horton's cappucino, Old Dutch potato chips, and Smarties); Courtney, coming back from Florida with tan; Daniel ("The German"), returning from a road-trip to Hershey, Pennsylvania with endless stories of his time on Seth's chicken farm; Steph, arriving back from Hungary with a cold that gave her a raspy voice.

Soon after they returned, Erik and I threw a BBQ for our family group to catch up. Carrying bags of potato chips from the kitchen to the table, Catherine and Camille were eager to help get ready for "the party" - almost as eager as eating the ice-cream we promised them for dessert. The students gave us endless laughs as we sat around eating hamburgers and grilled chicken.

After the students left later that night, Erik and I commented that the barbeque wasn't an assignment for the students; they came because they wanted to. They stayed and chatted like they were are friends. They are. We love you guys and are grateful to have you in our lives!

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